Italian Greyhound

playful, agile, gracile

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Welcome to the Italian Greyhound Breed Archive, a place for Italian Greyhound lovers, breed enthusiasts and pedigree addicts.
Creators of The Breed Archive


Country of origin: Italy
Breed group: Sighthounds - Group 10 (FCI); Toy Group (AKC, KC)


Size: small
Coat: short, fine, silky
Colour: various colours
Life expectancy: 14-15 years


Playful and affectionate with an elegant appearance but with lots of energy and the need for training, especially house-training.

From the ancient world

Small greyhounds that resemble today's IGs are found in pictorials in Pompeii and mummified remains have been found in Egypt, dating back over 2000 years.
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There is simply nothing that comes anywhere close to serving the breed and those who love it.
Lanny Morry - long-time contributor to the Breed Archive, Canada
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